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Hillside Nursery and Forest School


First Aiders

Eight members of staff are qualified in Paediatric First Aid.  They will be the only persons administering first aid to any injured parties.  One member of staff is qualified as a First Aider at Work.


Accident Book

If your child has an accident during a Nursery session this will be recorded in the Accident book.  Parents are informed of any accidents to their children and will be asked to sign the accident book to show they have been informed. 

Nursery also has Accident books to record injuries that have happened before Nursery.  Parents/carers will be politely asked to record details of any injuries and sign the book.


If your child has an accident which requires hospital treatment, we will immediately try to contact you or your representative. If necessary, we will call an ambulance or transport your child to the hospital by car. You will be informed of any incident.




If your child has asthma and needs an inhaler we must have one to use in Nursery (in its original packaging).   Prescribed medicines can be administered providing the relevant forms at Nursery have been completed and signed by a parent/carer.  Prescribed medication such as antibiotics will only be given if a medication form has been completed and signed by you, and if it is not possible for these medicines to be given at home due to the timings needed.  Medication must be brought in in its original packaging, named and dated with instructions to confirm it has been prescribed.

Please note: Only named prescribed medication will be given in Nursery except for Calpol (teething only) and nappy cream.



Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition please inform of us this when your child is admitted to Nursery.  We will work with you to draw up a Care Plan to ensure that we can fully support your child.