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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Hillside Nursery and Forest School



Branded uniform can give children a sense of identity. You can buy navy or jade sweatshirts and polo shirts via Parentmail throughout the year.

Please click here for our Uniform Price List.

Please note uniform is not compulsory for our Nursery.  Plain sweatshirts and polo shirts (without our school logo) can be purchased from other suppliers if you so wish.

Please dress your child/ren with a regard to the physical and often messy activities that they may be engaged in.  Aprons are available, but do not offer complete protection from paint, clay or water.  We are helping the children to become independent, and it is important that they can manage their own clothes when going to the toilet so please dress them in clothes which are easy to manage e.g. elasticated waists.

We make full use of the outdoor environment all year round, so please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for the weather, that is, sun cream and hats when it is warm and coats, gloves, and hats when it is cold. 

Each child has a coat hook with a picture on to remember it by.  Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named. 


All spare clothes should also be clearly named and placed in your child's pump bag on their allocated peg.  Spare nappies and wipes should also be kept in your child's pump bag.


Sun Protection Guidelines

As children regularly play outside, it is essential that they are protected from the sun. It is important through the warmer months that all children have an application of sun cream applied to them before coming to nursery.


During the summer months we would like to remind you of our sun protection guidance:


  • If the sun is shining please apply sun cream on your child before they come to Nursery. 
  • Please provide sun cream and suitable clothing for your child to wear in the warmer months e.g. sun hats, longer sleeved t-shirts and long shorts and provide this labelled with your child’s name.

Please be aware that if sun cream has not been applied to your child, they will be restricted as to which areas they can access to keep them safe from the sun’s rays.

All parents will be asked to complete a Sun Safe agreement during the enrolment process.