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Hillside Nursery and Forest School


Every session children are encouraged to sit together to enjoy a healthy snack. This is an opportunity for them to develop social skills around mealtimes. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for selecting their own plates, cup and snack.

Healthy Schools

We follow ‘Smile4life’ and as such provide foods during snack-time which will promote healthy bodies and teeth. We respectfully request that children do not bring sweets or chewing gum to school. On your child’s birthday they will receive a birthday card and will blow out the candles. To limit the amount of sugar children have, we ask you not to send sweets, cakes or treats into Nursery. 

We often bake cakes and biscuits during the day and let the children take them home with a reminder to parents to let their child have them after a main meal rather than a snack in between meals – this helps to prevent tooth decay.