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Hillside Nursery and Forest School


Achievement for All

Our school has a clear intent behind its carefully designed and balanced curriculum offer:

The aim of our holistic three-part curriculum model is to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all our children. It acknowledges children’s prior learning; allows children to develop emotional intelligence, empathy and resilience; builds responsibility and cultural competence; and supports children in becoming creative and critical thinkers who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.

Our rationale is to seek to support the development of the whole child and every child is recognised as a fascinating and unique individual. The design of our broad and ambitious curriculum ensures that the ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values.

We are determined that our curriculum is relevant to our school context and meets the needs of children from a range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

We are committed to inclusive practice and, through a relentless focus on each unique child’s progress, we ensure our curriculum is designed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all our learners, including those with high levels of SEND.

We recognise that this diversity must enrich the whole school curriculum and provide experiences to address social disadvantage to ensure outcomes for all children are the very best they can be.